


The present capacity of the Journal allows for processing manuscripts written in English.

Publication of the paper in the journal is free of charge.




  • A manuscript and all its supplements should be delivered as attachments in Word format to: 
  • When submitting a manuscript, please confirm that it has not been published previously and that it is not being considered for publication anywhere else. You do this by attaching this Author's statement when submitting the article for publication in Socialno Delo journal
  • When submitting the paper, the authors are required to include their ORCID number.
  • Regarding other appendixes, see GUIDELINES FOR TYPES OF CONTRIBUTIONS (below)


  • When the paper is received, initial check for Plagiarism will be done.
  • The editors have the right not to accept contributions that are lingustically problematic or are not relevant enough. 
  • The author can withdraw the article at any time before publication by making a special request to the editors.


  • If the article is accepted for publication, the author and the publisher sign the Business Cooperation Agreement before the publication of the article.
  • All articles published in our journal are included to the Rapository of University of Ljubljana.




Scientific article

The standard length of an article is 30,000-45,000 characters with spaces, including abstract, introduction of the author, keywords, sources and any notes and appendices.

Scientific article is usually a conclusive research report or study on a chosen topic. It can be an original or review scientific article.

The text can be an original scientific or a review scientific article.

An original scientific article is only the first publication of original research results in such a form, the research can be repeated and the findings verified. As a rule, it is organised according to the IMRAD scheme (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) for experimental research, or descriptively for descriptive scientific fields.

A review scientific article is an overview of the lastest work on a particular topic, a work of an individual researcher or group of researchers with the aim of summerising, analysing, evaluating or synthesizing information that has already been published. It brings new syntheses that include the results of the author's own research.

The editors classify a manuscript according to the applicable typology in the COBISS system. See

For more about writing scientifical articles, the authors can get useful guidelines here: APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (APA Style JARS) Note that for referencing in Socialno delo Journal, follow instructions described here.

Each scientific article is subject to peer-review. More about peer-review procedure HERE.

For the purposes of the review process, the author(s) name(s) should not be revealed in the article. The name of the author, the summary, keywords and a brief introduction of the author are written in a special Word file. Mentions of the author in the summary and presentation are in the third person. The presentation describes the author's field of work and interest in one sentence. In the case of several authors, all must be presented. Include the e-mail address of each author. These data will be published along the abstract.

Teh abstract is 10-15 lines in a single paragraph. It summarizes the essential elements of the article. We do not use formulations of the type: "The author presents the results of the research ...," but these results (findings, conclusions) are simply summarized.

There are up to six keywords; do not use them to repeat words from the title (and possible subtitle) of the article.


Other types of contributions

Various other contributions are also welcome, such as professional articles, reports, book reviews, polemics and essays.

PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE presents research achievements. Please provide: abstract, presentation of the author and keywords (see instructions about that for scientific article). It can contain approx. 30,000 characters with empty spaces, including abstract, presentation, sources and notes.

REPORT is a text about an ongoing or ad hoc research, project development, innovative practice, important events. The report should not exceed 15,000 characters (with empty spaces).

BOOK REVIEW should be 7,000-8,000 characters long. Write information about the book in the title. Add number of pages and the ISBN number. The book cover in PDF format should be attached.

ESSAY/POLEMIC is intended to discuss ethical, professional, political, social issues. It is limited to max. 15,000 characters (with empty spaces).



Formal and style-related requirements

The text of the contribution should be formally organized, stylistically correct and linguistically comprehensible.

It should be submitted in Calibri font, size 12, single-spaced, text aligned to the left.

Paragraphs should be separated by a line.

Intermediate titles should have a maximum of two levels.

We use italics only for highlighted text, for titles of publications (cf. list of sources) and for expressions in foreign languages, but not for quotations, intermediate titles, etc. We do not use bold and underlined fonts.

We only use double quotation marks, the exception being quotation marks inside quotation marks: "This is an 'example' of a sentence."

We never start a sentence with a number; in this case, the number should be written in a word.

Authors should use inclusive language. See Paragraph 15 in this English Style Guide

We recommend that the author writes in the first person singular when it comes to independent authorship.

Graphics should be black and white. Tables and graphs must be numbered and must be provided with a title and, if necessary, a reference to the source and a legend. For image material, provide high-resolution formats.

The list of references should be placed at the end of the text and arranged alphabetically by surnames of the authors of the references; in the case of the same author, according to the chronology of his/her publications. More about referencing HERE