Awards on the 30th Anniversary of the College of Social Work - Pg. 387


Bernard Stritih

A Speech on the Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the College of Social Work in Ljubljana - Pg. 388

Andreja Kavar Vidmar

Social Case - Between Social Policy, Law and Social Work - Pg. 399

Anton Kikelj

Solidarity and Voluntary Social Work in the Drava Banovina (Province) and in the Ljubljana Region (from 1940 to 1945) - Pg. 417

Franci Brinc

Society, Deviation, Us and Me (Reflection on Prison Sentence) - Pg. 441

Tone Strojin

Social Values in the Yugoslav Constitutions - Pg. 453

Tone Brejc

Toward the Rehabilitation Moment - Pg. 462

Ciril Klajnšček

(De)theologization of Rehabilitation as a Special Social Practice and (De)personalization of the Social Role of Rehabilitation Workers - Pg. 469

Jože Ramovš

Social Worker in a Work Organization and Alcoholism - Pg. 482

Mira Virant Jaklič

Mental Distress Hotline - an Example of a Telephone Conversation - Pg. 492

Marinka Pahole

Psychiatric Patient and Work Environment - Pg. 495

Danica Plut

The Role of the Social Worker in Mental Health Activities - Pg. 502

Fanči Novak

Social Worker in the Professional Service of the Pension and Invalidity Insurance Community of the SR of Slovenia - Pg. 506

Bojana Božič Ziherl

Group Solving of Specific and Current Issues - Pg. 515

Stanislava Šarčevič

A Social Treatment of Alcoholics in Pre-treatment Stage and Preparation for Treatment - Pg. 320

The model of social treatment of an alcoholic from case registration to inclusion in treatment by stages and problems is presented: case registration, data collection, social diagnosis, preparation for treatment, participation of relatives and environment, cooperation of work organization, rehabilitation plan, social history, inclusion in treatment, participation in a club of treated alcoholics. Scheme of treatment phases. Attachments: social history for an alcoholic; questionnaires for the local community, work organization, former work organization and social work center.

Ivanka Kapun, Blaž Mesec

Accumulation of Social Welfare Benefits and Typology of Recipients - Pg. 348

An experimental analysis based on a 5% sample of Social Welfare Benefits (SWB) recipients in the municipality of Slovenska Bistrica (N = 2100, n = 100) answers the question (1) whether SWBs accumulate in households and what characteristics of households are associated with the type, number and amount of SWB; (2) whether households receiving SWB differ from each other in such a way that we can speak of different types. Results: half of households receive only one SWB, a further quarter two, so we cannot talk about accumulation. A negative correlation was found between the number of SWB in the household and the amount of SWB and the amount of income. Recipient households are grouped into five different types: households of the sick and disabled (57%), low-income households without other specialties (56%), households of persons without property and relatives (15%), households with irregular relationships and alcoholism ( 8%), single households (6%).

Tone Strojin

The Role of Procedural Law in Providing and Implementing Social Security - Pg. 370

Social security is an abstract concept until it is confirmed in concrete rights, obligations and activities. This social value is realized through social policy in the systems of social insurance, social protection and social welfare. Procedural law has an important role in this, as social security is provided more effectively if the law is more defined and thoroughly enforced. Social law through procedure is a major step towards reciprocity and solidarity among people. The social worker must know the basics of procedural law in order for his approach to resolving social cases to be legally justified.


Andreja Kavar Vidmar

Miroslav Ružica, Socialna politika - Kritika teorijskih osnova (Social policy - Critique of theoretical foundations), Beograd, 1985 - Pg. 376


(Pripravila/Prepared by) Lidija Kunič

Socialna opora ob razvezi. Monika Henderson, Michael Argyle, Source and nature of social support given to women at divorce/separation, British Journal of Social Work, 15, 1985, l. 85-65. - Pg. 382


Slovene - Pg. 384


Correction - Pg. 386

In the article by Dragica Šeško, Family Planning in Organization of Associated Labour: What and How, in no. 1/1985 in the first paragraph on p. 290, line 4, misspelled phrase "below the agreed level of social security rights" occurred. The correct phrase is: "below the agreed level of social security". We apologize to the author and readers. - Editorial. As we have devoted more space to articles in this issue due to its topicality, we have omitted the "Reports" section in order not to exceed the established volume of the paper. - Editorial


Iz uvodnega govora Majde Gaspari / From the opening speech of Majda Gaspari

At the Occasion of the Award Ceremony of the Social Welfare Community of Slovenia - Pg. 266


Srečo Dragoš

On Some Aspects of Self-management and Motivation in Settlements of Youth Work Brigades - Pg. 269

The author discusses the basic conceptual issues of motivation of young people to take part in youth work actions. YWAs are an option and a space in which one can satisfiy his motives, but they are not themselves a motivational goal, so it is not possible to create a universal concept of YWA. It is up to the participants to form such a community that will be able to meet different needs. The formation of that kind of community, however, also depends on the leadership style. Three unsuccessful concepts of leadership are described, as well as the conditions and possibilities for a more democratic concept.

Dragica Šeško

Family Planning in Organization of Associated Labour: What and How (Reflection of Elements of Family Planning in the Work of a Social Worker in Labour Organization Sava Kranj) - Pg. 286

The author derives from the practical work of a social worker in concrete Labour Organization (LO Sava Kranj), looks for elements of family planning in it - singles out some categories of workers in the field of work, draws attention to planning social development in LOs and considers finding concrete ways to implement family planning in LOs. He conceives of family planning in a broader, sociological sense. He notes that very little has been done for him in the reins and defines the role of the reins mainly in terms of informing and raising awareness about family planning and mediation between various social institutions.


Jelka Fužir

Juvenile Delinquency in the Municipality of Velenje - Pg. 295


Blaž Mesec

Olga Drofenik, Zvonka Pretnar, Tanja Dobrin, Tone Brejc, Ciril Klajnšček, Usposabljanje in zaposlovanje invalidov v OZD, Knjižnica Sindikati št. 74, Delavska enotnost, Ljubljana, 1985 - Pg. 301


(Pripravila/Prepared by) Lidija Kunič

Izobraževanje socialnih delavcev v Nordijskih deželah. Anna-Sophie Danielsen, Education for Social Work Practice, European Regional Group Seminar, Oct. 11 th-14 th 1985, Schaeffergarden, Gentofte, Danmark, str.15-51. - Pg. 305

(Pripravil/Prepared by) Blaž Mesec

Socialna pogojenost umske in učne prizadetosti otrok. Gerhard Klein, Soziale Hintergründe, die bei der Entstehung von Behinderungen bei Kindern in den verschiedenen körperlichen und psychischen Entwicklungsstadien ausschlaggebend sind. Präventive Massnahm - Pg. 309

(Pripravil/Prepared by) Blaž Mesec

Družinski pomočniki - novost v ZR Nemčiji. Famillienhilfe als eine Form offensiver Jugendhilfe. Arbeitsbericht über die Familienhilfe in Kassel (Erster Teil), Nachrichtendienst des Deutschen Vereins für öffentliche und private Fürsorge« 64« lo, 1984, s.57 - Pg. 314


Slovene - Pg. 319