Revija Socialno delo
Socialno delo Journal is the only scientific periodical publication for social work in Slovenia. It's been published since 1961. From 2019, the journal adheres to open access format. Four issues are published per year: 1 (Jan-Mar), 2 (Apr-Jun), 3 (Jul-Sep), 4 (Oct-Dec). Abstracts are included in data bases: ERIH PLUS, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences IBSS), and EBSCO SocIndex with Full Text. The journal is published by Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana. Journal is so-financed by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS). Texts published in Socialno delo Journal are licenced under Creative Commons licence: CC BY-SA
ISSN 0352-7956
editorial board
Journal Socialno delo
ISSN 0352-7956
Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana
All rights reserved
Editor in Chief
Vera Grebenc Faculty of social work, research areas, bibliography
Editorial Board
Srečo Dragoš Faculty of social work, research areas, bibliography
Barbara Černač
Nina Mešl Faculty of social work, research areas, bibliography
Tamara Rape Žiberna Faculty of social work, research areas, bibliography
Irena Šumi Faculty of social work, research areas, bibliography
Mojca Urek Faculty of social work, research areas, bibliography
Darja Zaviršek Faculty of social work, research areas, bibliography
Senior Editor
Borut Petrović Jesenovec Faculty of social work, bibliography
In memoriam
Jo Campling
Bogdan Lešnik
Advisory Board
Gordana Berc (Facutly of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Lena Dominelli (University of Sterling, UK)
Shirley Gatenio Gabel (Graduate School of Social Service, Fordham University, USA)
Subhangi Herath (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Duška Knežević Hočevar (Sociomedical Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academiy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia)
Roman Kuhar (Facutly of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Chu-Li Julie Liu (Tunghai University, Taiwan)
Rea Maglajlić (University of Sussex, UK)
Jana Mali (Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Theano Kallinikaki (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)
Dragan Petrovec (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Paula Campos Pinto (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Francka Premzl (Association of Social Workers of Slovenia, Slovenia)
Shula Ramon (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
Liljana Rihter (Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Alessandro Siccora (University of Trento, Italy)
Lea Šugman Bohinc (Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Mirjana Ule (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Topniška 31, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone (+386 1) 2809240, fax 2809270
socialno.delo@fsd.uni-lj.si www.fsd.uni-lj.si/sd_eng