Bernard Stritih

Problems of Social Work Professionalisation - Pg. 297Keywords: professionalization, science of social work, self-help

Among other features that distinguish social work from other professions, the knowledge produced by the “science of social work” differs from the knowledge of classical professions. This knowledge is supposed to serve to solve the life situations which people so far had solved according to customs and knowledge related to family socialization. The question is, what meaning users do find in professional procedures and what is the success rate of solving their problems. Users may get the feeling that they have lost their own decision-making competence in life situations. This is the fundamental paradox of social work and limits of its professionalization. Social work must avoid the danger of isolating itself from people and imposing its solutions, because today it is becoming increasingly clear that many drugs and solutions are more dangerous than the disease itself. Therefore social work should not try to replace spontaneous forms of assistance and networking between people.

Tone Brejc

Work Disability as a Sociodynamic Process of Marginalization in Modern Normative Society - Pg. 302Keywords: rehabilitation, work disability

Labeling practice based on the normative model of evaluation, creates in "the disabled" an ambivalent motivation towards the existing social assistance mechanisms and leads into a vicious circle of increasing marginalization. At the same time, this practice is part of the ideological apparatus of society, as it leads to the emergence of "secondary deviation" and interprets socially produced defects as personal failure of individual. A change in attitude towards work disability means above all, to agree to a new paradigm of social inclusion, based on a new sociality or "non-production orientation" in interpersonal relationships. The disabled have a right to participate in social development in accordance with their internal needs, and society should address the disabled integrated into general development policy. Relatively increased costs to ensure their well-being would be offset by quality socio-psychological and, indirectly, material benefits, which contribute to social balance and progress.

Ksenija Ramovš

Self-help Groups for Recovering Alcoholics - Pg. 309Keywords: self-help groups, clubs for recovering alcoholics, alcoholism, addictions

The author describes her therapeutic experience in two clubs of recovering alcoholics, emphasizing in particular the dilemma of the temporary and artificial nature of each professionally led group in contrary to the fundamental experience that recovering alcoholics must be permanently interconnected. Then she describes her experiences and insights in overcoming this dilemma through the systematic transition of the stabled patients into independent companion groups of treated alcoholics. Overall, she states the eight basic facts and the eight steps of the work program of the comrade groups. This program is based on the findings of Hudolin's alcohol school and its Rugelj's social andragogical method, as well as the experiences of Alcoholics Anonymous. In the concluding part, she states the previous experience in the work of comrade groups.

Branka Knific

Report on Work in Self-help Groups in the Izola Retirement Home - Pg. 317Keywords: self-help groups, social work with the elderly

For a year and a half, seven professionals have been organizing work in groups of residents of the Izola retirement home. These groups have the character of a self-help group. Work is organized in four groups, with meetings once a week according to the outlined program. In addition, several other forms of activities have been introduced, which offer residents the opportunity to relax. This form and method of work is a novelty in working with the elderly in the retirement homes. Another important and extraordinary feature is that professionals from four different institutions take part in the common work. For a year and a half now, seven professional workers have been organizing work in groups of residents of the Izola home, which have the character of a self-help group. Work is organized in four groups, which meet once a week and in which the work takes place according to the outlined program. In addition to the described work, several other forms of activities have been introduced, which offer residents the opportunity to relax. With its form or method of work, the activity is a novelty in working with the elderly in DU. Another important feature is that professionals from four different institutions are involved in the work, which is also not usual. Relationships among members of these groups and professionals are relaxed and offer personal satisfaction to all of them.

Bojan Regvar

Graphology in Social Work - Pg. 329Keywords: graphology

Graphology as the science of knowing one's personal characteristics on the basis of a suitable manuscript can be a qualitative support to social work. With its help, a social worker can better assess the intellectual, character and social level of a person. Graphology can be used in social work mainly in the wider field of work with the family, for example in the selection of foster parents, adoptive parents, guardians, in divorce proceedings and in marriage counseling, perhaps also in working with alcoholics. It is already possible to use professional graphological services in Slovenia, but so far there has been no interes and willingness of social workers and institutions to use this old and world-renowned skill at their professional work.


Jasna Bauman, Karl Destovnik

Training Workshops as a Central Disability Workshop for the Hearing Impaired - Pg. 338

Sabina Šilc

Report on Professional Training in the USA - Pg. 344


Branka Knific

Response to the Review of the Book: Jože Ramovš, Socialni delavec in alkoholizem, Knjižnica sindikati, Delavska enotnost, Ljubljana 1988 - Pg. 346

Blaž Mesec

Psychiatrists Absolution to Society: Dušan Kecmanović, Upotreba duševnog bolesnika, Prosveta, Beograd 1986 - Pg. 349


Blaž Mesec

How Conflicts Between Spouses Affect Children - Pg. 366

Blaž Mesec

How Ex-spouses Divide Parental Roles - Pg. 368


Signal Information About Foreign Periodicals - Pg. 371


Slovene - Pg. 386


Socialno delo, Year 27 (1988) - Pg. 389


Round Table Discussion on Planning College Education for Social Work - Pg. 181


Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič

Transformation of the College for Social Workers Ljubljana into a College within a University - Pg. 182

Andreja Kavar Vidmar

The Role of Law in Shaping the Science of Social Work - Pg. 187

Vito Flaker

Education for the Professional Role of Social Worker Requires a Special “Spirit” of the School - Pg. 189

Marija Ovsenik

A Brief Look at the Problem of Social Work (Organizational Aspect) - Pg. 192

Tone Brejc

For the College of Social Work as an Inventive and Critical Educational Environment - Pg. 206

Maca Jogan

Sociology, Production of Meaningfulness of Everyday Life and Social Work - Pg. 208

Tanja Rener

To the Relationship Between Sociology and Social Work - Pg. 212

Srečo Dragoš

Sociology - Social Work: (in)Compatibility? - Pg. 214

Vida Miloševič

New Concepts and Experiences in Social Work Education in Europe - Pg. 222

Blaž Mesec

The Science of Social Work as a Scientific Core of Higher Education Study - Pg. 235


Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič

Ljubljana College of Social Work Concluded Interesting Cooperation Agreement with Prestigious Dortmund College of Social Work - Pg. 246

Andreja Kavar Vidmar

The 24th International Congress of Social Work Schools - Pg. 248

Vida Miloševič

Social Workers World Conference in Stockholm, 26th-30th July 1988 - Pg. 251

Vito Flaker

Milestone of Madness: Youth Social Research Camp Hrastovec 88 - Pg. 253


Milko Poštrak

Jože Ramovš, Social Work & Alcoholism, Ljubljana 1988 - Pg. 259


Marija Zdešar (prevod/translation)

Epilepsy: What to Do. - Pg. 261


List of Diploma Theses Received by VŠSD Library in 1987 - Pg. 267

Correction - Pg. 272

Signal Information About Foreign Periodicals - Pg. 273


Srečo Dragoš

On Religious Care for the Elderly - Pg. 79

Based on the material of the Faculty of Theology Ljubljana ( International Day for the Elderly / Religious Welfare Day) the author discusses not only the religious concern for the elderly, but more broadly about the nature of charity within the confines of the church. Charity cannot be a priori denied. Denieing help to people can diminish their revolutionary potential. The character of any charity it depends on social conditions and institutional factors, which applies to all social institutions as well as to the church. If the church wants to meet the contemporary needs, it must also become aware of concrete historical conditions. The church is not a monolithic institution and it is capable of adjustments to "contemporary needs". Where it have no secular authority, the church strives to enhance prestige in the field of human concern. The more social mechanisms in society are inefficient the more it succeeds. The church tends to monopolize the truth, but this also applies to secular institutions. Its doctrinal demands to its members to avoid bossy and economic aspirations should also be regarded for secular institutions. The reason of most conflicts with the church is that we forget this priciple.


Blaž Mesec

Types of Action Research - Pg. 93

There is a significant difference between Lewin's and e.g. Cunningham's definition of action research. The concept of action research itself is not uniform but encompasses a whole range of different approaches: applied social behavior research, research on social action, social action research with backlinks communication, accompanying research, research that includes researcher colaborating in action, research that involve actors in the research process and real action research, i.e.research with the participation of researchers in action and with the participation of actors in the research process. These types constitute a hierarchically ordered series regarding the number of basic provisions, which are: actions as an object, back to actor-oriented information, continuous feedback information, change of researcher's role, change of actor's role, simultaneously changing the roles of both. The status of self-exploration is problematic.

Srečo Dragoš

The Problem of "Self-exploration" and Real Action Research from Gilli's Perspective - Pg. 104

Self-exploration, understood as the final stage of exploration, is in fact a myth, to the extent that it is an premise of merging the actor and the researcher tasks within a group. However, this does not follow from Gilli's conception of the research process, the essence of which is that the social power of the researcher is distributed to the actors. In the field of exploration as a cognitive activity, the abolition of division of labor is only a condition of de-objectification, not a goal itself ("only those, who has worked physically can work with full scientific competence in final intellectual work ... however, theoretical knowledge is required ... "). The reflection of Gilli's postulates does not lead to the notion of self-exploration as a logical completion, but to the notion of real action exploration in the taxonomy of B. Mesec.

Ida Hojnik

Aging and Care for Elderly Abroad and in Our Country - Pg. 114

The attitude of society towards elderly took place in the world in three phases: first, the care of the elderly is left to the family, the second institutional care and social security is provided by the pension insurance system, and the third provides the elderly with a complementary formal and informal sector. In Slovenia, opposite to accepted conclusions, mainly home care was developed, whose shortcomings were criticized, but in vain. New old age homes are planned for the future ("each municipality owns a home"), and less attention is paid to other forms of care for the elderly. Homes can become gerontology centers only to a certain extent, and assisting the elderly at home can work successfully in other contexts. Particularly problematic is the planned segregation of the affected people into special social institutions, which in addition have the worst material conditions.


Miha Rotar, Igor Debernardi, Rosanda Galonja, Lea Hiti

The Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency in the Municipality of Piran in the Period 1980 - 1986 - Pg. 123

Janez Malačič

The Views and Recommendations of the Coordination Committee for Family Planning at RK SZDL on the Occurrence of Violence Against Children - Pg. 131


Andreja Kavar Vidmar, Blaž Mesec

Milan Martinović, Scientific Basis of Social Work. Narodne novine, Zagreb 1987 - Pg. 136

Srečo Dragoš

Darja Zaviršek, The Story of Josipdol. RK ZSMS. Ljubljana 1987 - Pg. 144

Darja Zaviršek

E. Shorter, The History of Women's Bodies, Pelican Books, London 1984 - Pg. 146


Blaž Mesec

Hepworth, D. H.. Farley, O. W., Griffiths, J. K., Clinical Work with Suicidal Adolescents and Their Families. Social Casework. 69, 1988, 4, 195 - Pg. 153

Anica Kos

Social Assistants for Cheniere with Behavioral Disorders - Pg. 158

Jože Urbanija

Medical Confidentiality and an Obligation to Report AIDS cases - Pg. 163


Signal Information About Foreign Periodicals - Pg. 165


Slovene - Pg. 174


Editor's Note - Pg. 0

In this issue, we publish papers from a seminar on social work in work organizations. The seminar was organized by the College of social work Ljubljana on December 14 and 15 1987 in Preddvor. Editorial


Emil Milan Pintar

Yugoslavia on the Threshold of XXI. Century - Pg. 1

Andreja Kavar Vidmar

Social Security in Times of Economic Crisis - Pg. 5

Pavla Rapoša Tajnšek

The Working Area of Social Work in the OZD - Pg. 11

Pavla Rapoša Tajnšek, Maja Vojnovič

Social Function of Associated Labor, Social Policy and Social Work in OZD - Pg. 24

Marija Ovsenik

Some Dilemmas in the Issue of Social Margins - Pg. 30

Ivica Matko

Social Welfare and Social Standard - Pg. 51

Otmar Zorn

Personnel-Social Function in Practice and its Impact on Economics - Pg. 58


Social Work in OZD / Two-day Professional Seminar - Pg. 69


Apology - Pg. 73

We apologize to readers for errors in the previous issue of Social Work that have occurred due to the haste in typing texts. We ask you for understanding. Editor